My recent work has expanded its focus on the conciliation of different dichotomies that get their strength from everyday life. The work shows an interest to analyze objects as symbols and displace the context so to expand my semantic field. I appropriate the objects and personages from popular culture, whether local or foreign and reinvent them in a way that explodes in reflection.
It is my pursuit that my canvases become an “absurd” narrative for us. The icons and objects in my work are part of a larger internalization, which catapults us to what is both evident and unpredictable. The paintings, even in black and white, must demonstrate how art is capable of revealing colorful contemporary “life situations” to us --- and acknowledge(s) the human ironies that we are encompassed in.
Even though I explore distinctive themes, the basis for all of my work is the portrayal of elaborate symbols, icons and objects that we recognize consciously or intuitively across the globe. We are all inextricably linked in a chain of popular images that identifies “culture.” Human history is a common story, and because of this, we share the ability to interpret symbolic elements that represent our heritage.
The work generates and investigates the exploration and exploitation of “human symbology”, the many “forms” of how we relate to ourselves, and others, in the world. My ongoing interest in the human and cultural aspects of our lives corresponds with the concept that art can mirror and reflect reality. I feel it is my job to “awaken minds” to fleeting governing laws by virtue of playing pictorial detective. By challenging the social norms of world cultures, I hope to bring to attention our complex natures and humanity.
Mi obra reciente enfoca la conciliación de diferentes dicotomías que nutren la vida cotidiana. Muestra mi interés por analizar los objetos como símbolos y desplazarlos de contexto para expandir mi campo semántico. Me gusta apropiarme de objetos y personajes de la cultura popular, reinventarlos de un modo que detone reflexiones y al mismo tiempo haga una crítica social con una fuerte carga de humor negro.
Busco que mis lienzos se conviertan en una narrativa "absurda" sobre nosotros. Los iconos y objetos en mi trabajo son parte de una interiorización más grande, que nos catapulta a algo evidente e impredecible a la vez.
Aunque exploro temas distintos, la base de mi trabajo es la representación de símbolos elaborados, iconos y objetos que reconocemos consciente o intuitivamente en todo el mundo. Todos estamos inextricablemente unidos en una cadena de imágenes populares que identifica la "cultura." La historia humana es una historia común, y debido a esto, compartimos la capacidad de interpretar los elementos simbólicos que representan nuestro patrimonio.